Bvlgari Replica handbag
the description
The Serpenti Forever Top Replica handbag is a charming new color scheme for the upcoming season, giving a new modern look. This piece is crafted from calf leather in white agate pearl and has gold plated brass metal details. The attractive snake head closure is captivating with its black and white opal enamel and eye-catching black onyx eyes. Model with a top handle with three compartments, a detachable and adjustable chain in the shape of a snake body and a leather strap that allows the bag to be carried in multiple ways. Small size with a mirror pocket, an open pocket on the inside and a patch pocket on the back exterior. An adjustable mirror adds a nice finishing touch. 18 x 15 x 9.5cm – 7.1 x 5.9 x 3.7 inches
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