mini bag in lizard Replica handbag
Original Box
Full packing
The model is 171cm tall
Gucci Replica products are made with carefully selected materials. Please handle the item with care to ensure a longer life.
Keep away from direct light, heat and rain. If it gets wet, dry it immediately with a soft clothFill the Replica handbag with tissue paper to hold its shape and absorb moisture, store it in its flannel caseDo not carry heavy objects that could change the shape of the bagClean with a soft, dry cloth
Leather lining
Handle, height (light) 10 cm
Detachable chain shoulder strap with GG cross, height (light) 40 cm
Weight: about 0.359kg
Piston closure
Mini size: L 19cm x H 13cm x D 3cm
The model is 171cm tall
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